Meet The Team

Michael Gott
Michael Gott first visited Ukraine in the 1960’s when he was a student in Great Britain. Over the past 25 years his organization MGI has organized over 200 Conversational
English Schools across Ukraine in almost every Oblast, and he has worked in 41 Ukrainian cities.

Jan Gott
As Michael Gott’s partner for over 50 years, Jan has helped to shape the direction and scope of MGI. Through lesson development and teacher training, Jan has ensured that the MGI culture of relaxed and interesting lessons remains the gold standard in our classes.
Through her extensive education in ESL, Jan learned that one of the very best ways to improve diction and pronunciation is through the use of singing words rather than speaking them. Each day in large group time, Jan leads students through an interactive pronunciation practice with music. This time is what many MGI students say they look forward to most. You’ll love getting to know Jan’s warm smile and enthusiastic spirit!

Amy Pannell
Over the years, many English students made the same request; please have these schools for our children - we want them to experience MGI! So, in 2010 we answered that request with our first MGI for Youth English Course. Since then, Amy Pannell has lead native speaking teaching teams and organized schools for up to 1,200 Ukrainian children and teens per summer. Amy is passionate about communicating a message of positivity and encouragement to kids as they work to improve their English.

Krissi Rhoades
Krissi joined the MGI team in March of 2020. She brings years of creative work in photography, videography, graphic design, and web design to the MGI team!